LAAD 2017 will bring together industry experts, companies and public & private sector authorities in Rio de Janeiro

Dublin, Ireland, February 2017 - The year 2017 will be intense for the defence sector in Brazil. The Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces delivered updated versions of the National Defence Policy (PND), the National Defence Strategy (PND) as well as a white paper on national defence for the consideration and approval of the National Congress. In addition, the Federal Government has already announced, for example, a R$ 450 million (US$ 141.1 million) investment in the Border Integrated Monitoring System (Sisfron) and the March launch of the geostationary Communications and Defence satellite (SGDC).
These announcements are against this backdrop that the Exhibition LAAD Defence & Security 2017 will take place from April 4 to 7 at the Riocentro in Rio de Janeiro. LAAD 2017 is the largest and most important defence and security event in Latin America. The exhibition, held every two years, brings together domestic and international companies, equipment and services suppliers and technologies for use by the military and police forces. Also attending will be the security managers for large corporations, services providers and infrastructure concessionaires.
More than 600 exhibitors at the event will offer solutions for problems in areas such as aeronautical engineering; naval engineering; personal and tactical equipment; ammunition and weapons; optical and optronic equipment; consulting, training and services; cyber defence & cyber security; counterterrorism; transmission, communication and positioning; emergency, search and and rescue; access control and surveillance; forensic and criminal expertise and vehicles; among others. In total, more than 37,000 qualified professionals are expected to attend the event.
LAAD Defence & Security 2017 will host 195 official delegations from 85 countries around the world. Special guests will include defence ministers and high-ranking officials from the armed forces in Latin America, who will be engaging in meetings with the exhibitors. There will also be opportunities for bilateral meetings with Brazilian authorities.
An important featured area of LAAD 2017 is Public Security, which brings together some of the industry's leading experts in the area for working meetings that will take place during the event. The agencies that have already confirmed meetings during the conference are: The Colégio Nacional de Secretários Estaduais de Segurança Pública (The National College of State Secretaries of Public Safety, (CONSESP), The Conselho Nacional de Comandantes Gerais das Polícias Militares e Corpos de Bombeiros Militares (The National Council of General Commanders of the Military Police and Military Fire-fighting Corps - CNCG-PM/CBM), The Conselho Nacional dos Corpos de Bombeiros Militares (The National Council of Military Fire-fighting Corps - LIGABOM), The Conselho Nacional de Chefes de Polícia Civil (The National Council of Chiefs of Civilian Police - CONCPC); The Conselho Nacional de Dirigentes de Perícia Criminal (The National Council Directors of Criminal Investigation - PERÍCIA), The Polícia Rodoviária Federal (The Federal Highway Police - PRF); The Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (The Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro - PMERJ) and the Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (The Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro - PCERJ).
"The defence and security sectors work very closely together. In their operations they use the most modern solutions and technologies available. Specifically referring to Brazil, which represents more than 40% of military spending in Latin America, these sectors have shown substantial growth in recent years, given the demands for modernization and re-equipment of the armed forces in Brazil, through strategic projects," says Sergio Jardim, General Director of Clarion Events Brazil, the organizer of LAAD Defence & Security 2017.
Online registration to attend the event is open and can be done free of charge through April 1, at the website: It will also be possible to register at the event, beginning April 04, at a cost of R$ 100 per ticket.
Seminars: LAAD Defence & Security will be offering a broad program of content promoting the discussion of key issues related to the defence and security sectors, with special emphasis on the technical and strategic aspects.
The V Defence Seminar will address topics such as: The Efforts of the Armed Forces in the Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO); Hybrid warfare in the context of Brazil; Strategies for the Implementation of Offset Agreements in International Acquisitions; and the Entrepreneurial Arm of the Armed Forces and Defence Industry's role in a globalised economy.
The VI Security Seminars will discuss: Prison Management Systems; Combating Organized Factions; Intelligence and Counterintelligence in the current Socio-Political Scenario; Current Issues in Corporate Cyber-security; Corruption and Compliance; Technology for Increased Efficiency in Police Work; and in Corporate Security management tools.
There is a registration fee for the seminars. More information can be obtained via email at
There will also be another event held simultaneously with LAAD Defence & Security, the VIII International Symposium on Military Logistics organized by the Ministry of Defence and for student-officers at military schools connected to the three branches of the armed forces.
Business: LAAD Defence & Security brings exhibitors, companies, domestic and international visitors face to face with the principal procurement officers in the security and defence industries in Brazil and abroad. The VIP program brings together authorities in the areas of acquisitions, purchasing, logistics and supply of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies and Corporate Security market and helps to schedule meetings between these guests and exhibitors during the event.
About LAAD Defence & Security
The largest and most important defence and security event in Latin America, LAAD Defence & Security 2017 is now in its 11th Edition. LAAD meets every two years at the Riocentro in Rio de Janeiro, and provides a forum for Brazilian and international companies that specialise in providing solutions for the three armed forces and police forces to meet. In addition to internal and external exposure, the event has program of unique content such as the LAAD Defence Seminar and the LAAD Security Seminar. At the last edition, in 2015, the event brought together 642 exhibitor brands from 41 countries, 36,250 visitors from 90 countries and 170 official delegations from 74 countries.
Clarion Events
For more than 65 years, Clarion Events has been dedicated to the promotion and organization of trade fairs, events and conferences. Approximately 700,000 visitors and participants, and 12,000 exhibitors and sponsors come together in more than 200 events held around the world. Clarion Events has global presence – operating with 12 offices in 9 countries around the world - and has been in Brazil since 2008.
LAAD Defence & Security 2017 – Main Latin America Defence and Security Exhibition
Date: April 4 - 7
Venue: Riocentro-Av. Salvador Allende, 6,555-Barra da Tijuca-Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Hours: April 4 – 6 from 10 am to 6 pm and April 7 from 10 am to 5 pmLeia também: