Matrículas abertas para o Aviation Safety Management Systems (ASMS), no ITA

PE-SAFETY - Disciplina Isolada - AS-143 – Aviation Safety Management Systems .
AS-143 – Aviation Safety Management Systems
Período de matrícula: 18/03 a 08/07/2013
Período de realização: 15 a 18/07/2013
Horário: 2ª a 5ª feira, das 17 às 22h
Local: Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), em São José dos Campos – SP
Carga horária: 24 horas-aula
Investimento: R$ 2.205,00 à vista ou em 2 parcelas de R$ 1.102,50, sendo a primeira na matrícula e a segunda no dia 5/08/2013.
Forma de Pagamento: via boleto gerado no website da FUNDEP
Conteúdo Programático: Familiarization with all components of ICAO’s Safety Management System (SMS), to include leadership, policy and procedures, safety risk management (hazard identification and mitigation) and assurance (monitoring) processes, as well as the larger envelope of safety culture ensuring a continual improvement of all safety processes. Practical techniques in implementing SMS and improving safety culture. Additional topics include systems frameworks in approaching aviation safety, economic benefits of SMS and the “Just Culture” approach embodied within the concept of safety culture, the relationship between Quality Management Systems (QMS) and SMS, qualitative versus quantitative approaches to safety risk assessments, the role of the “accountable executive” in prioritizing safety for the organization, SMS and the goal of safety in the perspective of the larger envelope of organizational culture, SMS and competing values in the aviation business environment. Examples of success and failure in will focus on the aviation sector, but also include other High Reliability Organizations (HROs) and industries operating in complex and high risk environments.
BIBLIOGRAFIA: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO; 2009). Safety Management Manual (SMM), Doc. 9859, AN/474, Second Edition, available for download at; Hopkins, A. (2005). Safety, Culture and Risk. CCH Australia Limited: Sydney; Marx, D., 2009. Whack a Mole: The price we pay for expecting perfection. By Your Side Studios: Plano, TX.
Professor: Katherine Andrea Lemos (Résumé)
- Para Alunos Não Matriculados no PE-Safety do ITA (a disciplina pode ser cursada como DISCIPLINA ISOLADA, Extensão): enviar, pelo correio (ou entregar pessoalmente) para o endereço abaixo ou via e-mail, cópias da Ficha de Inscrição e curriculum, cópia do diploma e do histórico escolar do curso superior; cópia do RG e do CIC, 1 foto 3X4 recente e comprovante do pagamento da primeira parcela para:,
link para matrícula e informações:
Telefones de contato (12) 3947-6984 / 5969
Secrataria, Aviation Safety Courses
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA
Divisão de Engenharia Aeronáutica, sala 2408
Praça Marechal do Ar Eduardo Gomes, no. 50 – Vila das Acácias
12228-900 São José dos Campos, SP
Período de matrícula: 18/03 a 08/07/2013
Período de realização: 15 a 18/07/2013
Horário: 2ª a 5ª feira, das 17 às 22h
Local: Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), em São José dos Campos – SP
Carga horária: 24 horas-aula
Investimento: R$ 2.205,00 à vista ou em 2 parcelas de R$ 1.102,50, sendo a primeira na matrícula e a segunda no dia 5/08/2013.
Forma de Pagamento: via boleto gerado no website da FUNDEP
Conteúdo Programático: Familiarization with all components of ICAO’s Safety Management System (SMS), to include leadership, policy and procedures, safety risk management (hazard identification and mitigation) and assurance (monitoring) processes, as well as the larger envelope of safety culture ensuring a continual improvement of all safety processes. Practical techniques in implementing SMS and improving safety culture. Additional topics include systems frameworks in approaching aviation safety, economic benefits of SMS and the “Just Culture” approach embodied within the concept of safety culture, the relationship between Quality Management Systems (QMS) and SMS, qualitative versus quantitative approaches to safety risk assessments, the role of the “accountable executive” in prioritizing safety for the organization, SMS and the goal of safety in the perspective of the larger envelope of organizational culture, SMS and competing values in the aviation business environment. Examples of success and failure in will focus on the aviation sector, but also include other High Reliability Organizations (HROs) and industries operating in complex and high risk environments.
BIBLIOGRAFIA: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO; 2009). Safety Management Manual (SMM), Doc. 9859, AN/474, Second Edition, available for download at; Hopkins, A. (2005). Safety, Culture and Risk. CCH Australia Limited: Sydney; Marx, D., 2009. Whack a Mole: The price we pay for expecting perfection. By Your Side Studios: Plano, TX.
Professor: Katherine Andrea Lemos (Résumé)
- Para Alunos Não Matriculados no PE-Safety do ITA (a disciplina pode ser cursada como DISCIPLINA ISOLADA, Extensão): enviar, pelo correio (ou entregar pessoalmente) para o endereço abaixo ou via e-mail, cópias da Ficha de Inscrição e curriculum, cópia do diploma e do histórico escolar do curso superior; cópia do RG e do CIC, 1 foto 3X4 recente e comprovante do pagamento da primeira parcela para:,
link para matrícula e informações:
Telefones de contato (12) 3947-6984 / 5969
Secrataria, Aviation Safety Courses
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA
Divisão de Engenharia Aeronáutica, sala 2408
Praça Marechal do Ar Eduardo Gomes, no. 50 – Vila das Acácias
12228-900 São José dos Campos, SP
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